9:30 Gates Open
9:45 Registration Open
10:00 Chrono Opens
10:30 Warm-Up Game 1
11:15 Mission 1
12:30 Lunch Break
1:00 Mission 2
2:00 Mission 3
3:00 Mission 4
4:00 Cool-down games (Capture the flag, TDM, 1v1's, 3v3's)
5:30 End of Day
Team Death Match (First to 30 wins): Teams will have a Referee at their spawn, each respawn a poker chip will be placed in the counter. When a team hits 30 respawns then they lose.
Task Force (TF) Objective - Find and Secure Your Commander
Your commander’s security force has been attacked and he is now surrounded by OpFor, he has an important chemical weapon that he was transporting on him. Locate him and secure the chemical weapon.Your mission is to bring the commander and the chemical weapon back to base camp but the weapon is the priority. If the commander however meets his end make sure you secure the weapon.
If won, TF will get a chemical gas weapon to be used in a later mission.
Opposition Forces (Opfor) - Find and Locate the Enemy Commander
Your team has eliminated the enemies forces and now your objective is to secure a deadly chemical weapon that will turn the tide of the battle. The enemy commander has it but will not go down without a fight. Your mission is to find the commander, eliminate him and secure the package. Once the package is secure you will need to get it back to the base camp.
If won, Opfor will receive a chemical gas weapon to use in a later mission.
Task Force (TF) - After securing the chemical weapon, Opfor has increased their attacks on our base camp. We need to know what they are planning. So we will have to infiltrate their comms systems.
It is a radio tower that they have set up near our base camp take control of the radio tower and secure the intel inside. We must maintain control of the radio tower for 15 minutes to transfer the information to our systems. If they are successful intel about the next mission will be given to this team.
Opposition Forces (OpFor) - We set a communication FOB and are looking to attack and destory enemy POIs. There are three POIs that you must destory marked by flags. Each of these may be guarded by the enemy forces to be quick and effective.
Flags will be placed at three diffent points and must be knocked over of placed on the ground to win the mission. If they are successfully a different mission will play out for day.
With the intel transferred back to command we know that the enemy has a large weapon that they are trying to construct, stopping them is the only objective at this time. We have 1 location where a piece of the weapon is located, the other 2 pieces must be found. Find them first and we may be able to do a full scale attack on Opfor.
With the enemy’s forward operating base destroyed we now can move our weapon forward and begin the construction of it. You will need to transport the pieces of the weapon to the destroyed base and assemble it there. TF is fighting to recapture the base and restore it to its original purpose. If this happens we can no longer start an assault on their base.
The time to destroy the other force is upon us. Whichever team has the pieces to the weapon will be able to call an airstrike and whatever team has the chemical weapon from the commander will be able to use a gas attack. This is an all out war and battle for the middle of the field. Three places for flags will be placed in the center line of the field. Whatever team has 2 or more flags in at the end of time will win.
Depending on time and weather conditions - Games will then revert to Team death match, capture the flag, or Six Shooters game modes.